
The intermediate patterns here are all suitable if you have some experience and want to develop your skills. This category is pretty broad as it can cover anything from just above beginner, right up to fairly challenging projects. A lot of people have difficulty determining their skill level. With an intermediate pattern, you are pretty safe. Keep your confidence and self-belief and, even if you haven’t been beading long, you should be able to master one of these projects. If you have loads of experience, these patterns are still great for a quick project or to refresh your skills.


My beading patterns are all protected under UK copyright law. They are intended for personal use only. You can sell finished beadwork that you have made from these patterns, but please make sure you name me as the designer. It is illegal for you to create a copy of any of my patterns to give to another person. It is also illegal to share these pattern instructions online. If you wish to teach a class using one of my patterns, you will require a license. You can obtain this by contacting me. If you have further questions, I will be happy to help.
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Showing 1–16 of 358 results

Showing 1–16 of 358 results