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My Marvellous Diet: 1 Month, 0 Calories!

Plate of Donuts, Katie Dean, Beadflowers, my marvellous diet: yummy and calorie-free

Well, here we are. 1st April, so am I about to tease you? No. I would like to invite you to join my marvellous diet.

It lasts for just one month (you can follow it for longer if you want) and contains precisely zero calories.

So, is this too good to be true? Is this in fact an April Fool’s joke?

Of course not! I wouldn’t be that mean to you.

So, take a momentary break from your chocolate Easter eggs and find out how you can indulge, guilt-free throughout the rest of April.

My Marvellous Diet, Katie Dean, Beadflowers

What is my marvellous diet?

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but if you’re new to my blog, you might not have heard. I belong to a brilliant bead group on Facebook. They are called ‘Seed Beads and More’ and a lovely lady by the name of Anita Adamson set the group up.

Now, she had a vision of her ‘ideal’ beading group. She works incredibly hard (I think) to administrate the group she has created. And it is so worthwhile.

What do I love about the group? Well, it’s full of lovely friendly people. We all share a passion for beading and it is very active. So, you will find a mixture of questions and answers, inspiration, help and guidance, and no hard-selling! As with any family, we have the occasional disagreement, but the group administrators are just great at sorting things out, so that accounts for the friendly atmosphere, I think.

But that’s not the best bit… No, I think the reason the group is so active is down to the bead-alongs. So, every month, the group is treated to a set of free patterns donated by designers within the group. This month, I’m donating three food-related beading projects.

The rules are: the patterns are available only to group members and can only be downloaded during the month of the beadalong. (Well, sometimes the designers are happy to donate the patterns permanently).

Beaded Chocolate Gateau earrings pattern, Katie Dean, Beadflowers, Katie's Marvellous Diet

How do you follow my marvellous diet?

You can follow my marvellous diet in two ways.

The first path…

If you are a member of the Seed Beads and More Group, then you have automatic access to my marvellous diet beadalong during April 2018. Then I know there will be lots of other fabulous themes in subsequent months.

So, if you want to join, it is by application only. You can find the details here and apply>>

The second path…

You can also join my marvellous diet by following along with me on here throughout April. So, I will be sharing inspiring blog posts to make your mouth water. These will all be calorie-free, of course.

I have some new mouth-watering, calorie-free patterns and kits to launch. I launched the first of these, the beaded chocolate gateau earrings (a beginner project) yesterday.

Plus, if you are on my mailing list, you will be getting a few offers to tempt you with calorie-free treats. So, if you don’t already get my newsletters delivered to your inbox, then make sure you join here>>

Bead Flowers Mailing List

What is on my marvellous diet?

Well, the Seed Beads and More Group are following a three course meal. The images in this post give you a taste.

So, let me just say this… It’s my perfect kind of meal: three courses of sweet treats that do no harm to the body and contain absolutely no calories!

Of course, you can follow any selection of food that you desire on this fabulous diet. So, maybe you’re more of a fan of savoury? Well, I can help there: sushi, smoked salmon bagels, hot dogs, cheeseburger, pizza? All guilt-free of course.

If you feel you must be good, then I can offer you apples, pears, strawberries, grapes and watermelon for now. Who knows what will follow?

I even have wine if you need a little liquid indulgence…

So, I invite you to choose a selection of food and bead along with me this month.

You can find all my beaded food patterns right here>>

Beaded Cake Box Tutorial and kit for Mothers Day or Birthday, Katie Dean, Beadflowers, New Spring Beading Projects

Are there any risks associated with my marvellous diet?

As with any diet, you will need an element of will-power. That is, the will-power to resist seeking out real samples of the food you’re beading. So, please don’t bead on an empty stomach!

Naturally, you may encounter minor injuries from beading needles, scissors, or too long spent sitting and beading. So, please take good care of yourself as you follow my marvellous diet.

And, lastly (on a serious note), please remember beads are NOT edible. They do actually present a serious choking hazard. So, do take care that you don’t leave your beaded food in places where small children or pets might think it’s really there to eat.

Proceed at your own risk and enjoy… I’ll be back soon with more goodies to tempt you!

I’d also love to hear what’s on your menu, so leave a comment below…

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