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Beaded Poppy Appeal 2019

Beaded Poppy Appeal, Katie Dean, Beadflowers

Now, here in the UK, we’re just approaching the time of year when the Royal British Legion launches their annual Poppy appeal. This is to raise money that will be used to help members of the armed forces and their families. The appeal is timed to lead up to Remembrance Day – 11th November – when wreaths of poppies are laid at War Memorials around the country. So, this year, I thought I would use my beading to do something to help…a little beaded poppy appeal.

What is the Poppy Appeal?

I’ve just given you a very short, not brilliant description. So, if this is something you’re not familiar with, I’m going to refer you to the Royal British Legion website. Here’s the link>>

Personally, I like to try and give something every year. I was brought up with the tradition of watching the Cenotaph ceremony on TV each year, to remember the sacrifice. My grandparents, on both sides of my family, were caught up in the Second World War. One grandfather ended up as a POW in Germany. The other worked as an ARP Warden in London and lost his first wife in the Blitz. One grandmother worked as PA to some pretty senior Civil Servants in the Government. So, they all experienced trauma in different ways.

Since that terrible conflict, I’ve had cousins in the Army, who have seen active duty.

Personally, I can’t even begin to imagine how people survive and deal with the things they experience in war zones. So, it doesn’t seem like much to give a little to a charity that is set up to help.

French beaded poppy pattern, beaded poppy brooch kit

Click here to get a copy of the French beaded Poppy pattern

 What is the Beaded Poppy Appeal?

Every year, I make some kind of donation to the RBL. For the past few years, I have been adding to my personal donation with profits from sales of my beaded poppy patterns and kits. So, this year, I’ve just decided to publicise that a little more and see if I can’t manage to sell a few more and raise a little more money. Hence my ‘Beaded Poppy Appeal’.

Now, I know a lot of beaders who do more than this with beaded poppies, so if you’re already supporting in some way, that’s great! I just wanted to invite members of my beading community to think about this and if you fancy a beaded poppy pattern, to know that now is a great time to get it, because you’ll be helping others too!

So, I announced this to my mailing list members yesterday and we’re already up to over £50 raised, which is brilliant.

I have two beaded poppy patterns, as it happens. The French beaded poppy pattern you see in the photo above, and a bead-weaving pattern you see in the photo below. I’ve linked to both patterns just below the images. So, you can use those links to grab a copy if you wish.

I’ll be donating the proceeds of my sales to the RBL Poppy Appeal 2019 after 11th November. So, it would be great to get as many sales as possible before then…thank you!

Beaded Poppy Pattern, Beaded Poppy Appeal, Katie Dean, Beadflowers

Click here to get a copy of this beaded Poppy bracelet pattern


Thank you!

I will also say that I know loads of you already do a lot for many different charities. So, please don’t feel any pressure to take part in this Beaded Poppy Appeal. I’m simply looking for ways that I can use beading to give back a little as well.

Last year I used the Christmas Jumper pattern to raise money for that charity. The year before, I was raising money for the Optimum Health Clinic who have been treating my ME, but operate as a charity.

Next year, who knows…?!

But for now, I’m just hoping that ‘every little helps’, as the saying goes! Thank you!

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